Secondary Experience - Third Period

Institution Report

Ayelén is a school which comprises the three levels of education: kindergarten, for children between three to five years old, primary level and secondary level. It is a private institution and each level follows the curriculum of the province of Buenos Aires.

The school community is composed by parents whose nationalities are argentinians, bolivians, peruvians and uruguayans. However, Spanish is mostly spoken in their homes.

The institution is considered to be a school with "open doors" ready to listen to, propose, share, give suitable answers to their community. The institution is interested in its community and thinks in the students present and future and is always open to discuss new proposals or suggestions.

Group Report

This group of 2nd year "A" of the secondary level is composed by thirty students between eleven and thirteen years old. 

During my observations I noticed that some of the students were not eager to take part in the activities and even they did not have their materials to work.

Although most of the students live near the school, they do not arrive on time and so the lessons usually start ten or fifteen minutes late. 

It is a really mixed ability group. Only five or six students take an active role during the lessons and the others only participate when it is required by their teacher.

During the two hours of observation I did not listen to the students interact in L2 and they demand their teacher to translate each lesson into L1 to understand its meaning.

The atmosphere is friendly but the students do not show any interest in learning the target language. It is usual during the lessons that the students talk about different topics with their teacher in L1 which interrupts the flow of the lesson.

My Lesson Plans

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